New at HEED Finland: More Activities and Fresh Faces

HEED Finland is moving forward in leaps and bounds! A new three-year project promoting the health and well-being of immigrants, a new office space, and new faces at the office!

Health is Wealth

Health is Wealth is a new three-year project funded by the Funding Centre for Social Welfare and Health Organisations, STEA. The project builds on the continuing work of HEED Finland in promoting the health and well-being of immigrants and refugees in Finland. Join us for a health check at one of our Well-being Days, including haemoglobin, blood pressure, and body composition measurements. Perhaps you’ll want to start leading a more active lifes with the support of one of our sports groups. Or you can book a health guidance appointment to discuss nutrition, chronic illnesses or mental health, among other health-related topics. If you are a healthcare professional or student, look out for our cultural mediation or cultural sensitivity training, to support you in cross-cultural communication in your chosen profession.

Health Guidance

Emma Tamankag, our Project Expert, a nurse and Senior Nurse Lecturer herself, will be offering health guidance at both our new office space and online, as well as training professionals and student nurses in cultural mediation and sensitivity. As the co-founder of HEED Finland and former chairperson of the board, Emma has seen the organisation grow from an idea to its current form, an active community making a huge difference in immigrants’ and refugees’ lives in Finland especially in the area of health and well-being.

Book an individual guidance appointment through our website, and save the date for our next Well-being Day at Cultural Centre Stoa in Itäkeskus on June 11.

Welcome, Aino

While Emma has been onboard from the start, Aino Jones has just recently started as the Project Manager for Health is Wealth as a new addition to HEED Finland. An integration professional, Aino has been working with employment, integration and families, increasing participation and belonging among immigrants, working with Swedish integration and intercultural families in Finland. Aino will be working with the communication and administration of the project, and values new ideas and cooperation!

Says Aino, “The strength of this project lies in the fact that it both listens to and supports individuals on their health journey in Finland, and takes on systemic change in making sure our healthcare workers are equipped to support and care for people from different backgrounds in our ever more diverse society.”

Meet Us at the Office Opening

As our new office space at Itis celebrates its opening in April, come along to meet our new staff members, as well as friends both old and new! To showcase the project, we will of course be offering free health checks, as well as a chance to book a health guidance appointment with Emma! Tea, coffee, and, in keeping with our main theme, healthy snacks will be served, and you’ll hear more about the Health is Wealth project and our work from both us and our closest stakeholders. More information can be found on our event page for the Office Opening!